I found some inconsistencies between the VM state and properties reported on the Hyper-V and the SCVMM db data.
How do i force update the SCVMM DB data ? without restarting the application, or the VM .
My env: I have the Hyper-V formed from 4 hosts.
The VM that has inconsistent data is recorded in SCVMM db as being hosted on host 4 and with NULL OSID and OSProfileId data.
Now on the actualy Hyper-V the VM is hosted on host-2 and has a Windows 2012 R2 installed on it.
I checked the OSID tables and we have that type of OS record there, so it should find it.
I know the simplest method would be to just run the update query with the corrected info but that is an aproach that i don't like it. Also i tried with updating the ObjectState in VObject table to 1 and wait for the SCVMM update to pick it up but it doesn't.
Thanks guys.