Hi All,
Using powershell command I am creating vms in scvmm2012r2. I am using port classification in VM Template and appling it in new network adpater by the following command.
New-SCVirtualNetworkAdapter -VMMServer $SCVMMServer -JobGroup $JobGroupID -VLanEnabled $true -VLanID $keyVlan -MACAddress "00-00-00-00-00-00" -MACAddressType Static -Synthetic -IPv4AddressType Static -IPv6AddressType Dynamic -EnableVMNetworkOptimization $VMNetworkOptimizationEnabled -EnableMACAddressSpoofing $MACAddressSpoofingEnabled -EnableGuestIPNetworkVirtualizationUpdates $GuestIPNetworkVirtualizationUpdatesEnabled -LogicalNetwork $VMLogicalNetwork -PortClassification $PortClassification -ErrorAction Stop
and creating VM by the following powershell.
New-SCVirtualMachine -JobGroup $JobGroupID -Name $VMName -VMConfiguration $virtualMachineConfiguration -Description $adminNote -BlockDynamicOptimization $false -StartAction'NeverAutoTurnOnVM' -StopAction 'SaveVM' -ErrorAction Stop -Runasynchronously -Jobvariable 'Job'
I am getting the following error from SCVMM 2012 R2,
Error (10734)Static MAC address or MAC address pool is not specified for a virtual network adapter configured for static MAC address.
Recommended Action
Specify MAC address or MAC address pool using Set-SCVirtualNetworkAdapterConfiguration, or configure virtual network adapter for dynamic MAC address.
Any help?
Thanks in advance,
Mohak Mahato