VMM Refresh fail due to VirtualHardDisk object id
VMM Maintenance mode fail
I have tried the following insturction to delete the stale records from SQL DB "https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2756886" and that didn't help . Everything is working normal in Hyper-V Cluster console.
I have a solution to fix the individual VM in VMM, but i want to fix all the issues like maintenance mode, refresh all VM etc..
I have followed the below instruction to resolve single VM state issue.
I have migrated the VM(xyz) using Hyper-V cluster to different host, powered off the VM(xyz). I have also created a copy of disks for safer option, then I have deleted the missing, failed state VM(xyz) using below VMM powershell. We couldn't see the updated VM(xyz) details in VMM console until we completed the second live migration of VM(xyz) to different host using Cluster console. The below script did not touch the Hyper-V cluster VM(xyz)
Get-SCVirtualMachine | where { $_.Name -EQ “xyz“} | Remove-SCVirtualMachine –Force
We are using TSM to backup the Hyper-V cluster. TSM Manager is not having any option to integrate the backup with VMM
TSM creates snapshot everyday and delete the snapshot next day after running the backup. VMM is getting confused due to multiple disk changes in the backend.