Is it possible to run an ISO system image of rasbian on Microsoft virtual machine/engine? I have tried to start a machine using the 'Type' listing of 'other' under the OS menu then under 'version' I have tried DOS and 'other/unknown', but to no success.
Anyone with and experience and or advice to give would be very gratefully received. My main goal is to create a Virtual private network using an old raspberry PI, SD card COOM's to configure rasbian. and then use puttygen/putty software to create the cryptographic
tunnel to the pi. then link the raspberry PI to the router and in theory all traffic should be received by the PI's IP'4 then be forwarded to the device? is this possible? I did use the PI as a VPN before but It will not work any longer.
I get a message that basically say's 'something needs configuring' once again any experience and or advice I would be grateful for very much. I wanted to ask the question about the VM and rasbian as I thought it may be a way to figure out how to configure and familiarise
with rasbian quick but as usual this did not turn out to be the case. Also Is there any way a internet protocol six address could be obtained and used as the VPN's IP? I successfully manually configured some of the devices to only use the IP6 addresses
as they seem much more secure? I have read that certain systems in certain parts of the world do not even have old IP4 address options anymore is this true? Anyway I have gone way of topic and apologise. Thanks for the time!