I am running VMM 2016 and HyperV Core 2016 and it used to function fine when building new VMs, now it fails each time with the following error:
Error (20408)
VMM could not get the specified instance Scvmm_EthernetSwitchPortInternalSettingData.InstanceID="Microsoft:Definition\1f59a509-a6ba-4aba-8504-b29d542d44bb\Default" of class Scvmm_EthernetSwitchPortInternalSettingData on the server xxx.xxx.xx.xxx.co.uk.
The operation failed with error HRESULT 0x80338000 The WS-Management service cannot process the request. The class Scvmm_EthernetSwitchPortInternalSettingData does not exist in the root/virtualization/v2 namespace.
However, if I use HyperV manager then I can build the VMs OK and VMM2016 will then allow control of most functions, my othe rHyper-V Core 2016 servers running under the same VMM2016 instance are working just fine.
Can anyone shed some light on this please?